Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Where's the Theology

"Theology" the Study of God or gods, either by reasoned deduction from the natural world (natural theology) or through divine revelation (revealed theology), as in the scriptures of Christianity, Islam, or other religions. - The study of God or gods. Where is the theology today? I am burdened by the seemingly lack of theology in churches today. Pulpits once dedicated to the study of God, and what God wants for us, and means for us has been abandoned for much less important agendas

Christianity is fragmented, we have separated ourselves into denominations that separate us from one another - we have separated ourselves into - "we have all the right answers and you don't" when in reality we don't even have the right questions. Where is the grace? Where is the love? Where is the God of comfort? - He is absent. He is ignored. He is not here. 

Christianity is the greatest of all religions, because we emphasize a God who has relationship with his people. A God of love and interaction with those he created. And yet the church seems to have forgotten this, the church has forgotten the glory of the resurrected Christ who said; "I will not leave you orphaned, I will send to you the Holy Spirit who will be with you always" (Paraphrase) Grace must abound in today's world, more and more people are lost and hurting, and they need a God who will love them and a church who will love them. We (the church) have abandoned our responsibility of care giving and learned to blame the government for not doing what is should. In reality, the church is not doing what it should. We are the caregivers, we are our brothers keepers, we should be extending hands of love and grace to all of our hurting, all members of our faith who are struggling. Regardless of the reason for their struggle, we are not to judge, but to love and offer grace. 

I hope as the church continues to push forward, that the fragmenting will cease, that the denominational wars will end and we can all agree that we all love God, we all believe in Jesus Christ, and we all have far more in common than we have differences.  

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