Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Economic dependency

I am worried. I am very worried about this economic crisis we are finding ourselves in. What ever happened to accountability with wall street? I know in my business if I were to do the things that were done on Wall St. I would be sued and hauled into court. All my assets would be seized and I would or could be facing indictments. Why are these people escaping with millions as severance packages?

Why can't Washington see what is going on here? It give a loud ringing of bribes, and payoffs, the treasury secretary alone pocketed over 140 million dollars from this mess by selling off his shares before the debacle. Other executives are putting tens of millions in their pockets while the rest of america is suffering. Where are the checks and balances? Where are the ethics? More than ever it really scares me that we may have a president Obama who has absolutely no history of making any difficult decisions. No record of standing up to anyone, no experience in his life to handle a situation similar to this, while it may be true that no one can prepare for this type of situation, John McCain has much more experience and the backbone to do what is right even if it is not popular.

As a strong supporter of President Bush, I find myself parting with him on this bailout, certainly something must be done, as unfortunate as it is, but the method of this bailout is completely unacceptiable. I only hope that in time, we will see the total accountability of these executives and they will have to repay all of their monies to the government for their excesses.

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